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is a native of Donaldsville, Georgia. He graduated from Alabama State University and began a career in teaching with the Chicago Public Schools that spanned thirteen years. For his academic pursuit he has attended DePaul University and earned his Master's of Divinity from Northern Theological Seminary.
Reverend Daniels confessed JESUS CHRIST as his personal Savior at the age of ten. He accepted his call to the Gospel Ministry of Jesus Christ in January 1973 and was ordained in August of the same year. He served the First Baptist Congregational Church of Chicago as Assistant Pastor for thirty years under the tutelage of the late Dr. Arthur D. Griffin, a profound leader and teacher.
Reverend Daniels, being a philosophical teacher in his own right has served for over forty years as a civic and spiritual leader.  He is currently serving in his 50th year at First Baptist Congregational and has served in various leadership capacities including:


- Vice President of Illinois Baptist State Convention
- President of the Interfaith Organizing Project of Greater Chicago (1987-current) 
- Commissioner of Retirement & Annuity for the National Missionary Baptist District of America
- Moderator of North Woodriver Baptist District Association
- Chairman of the New Westside Federation (1998-current)
- Former member of the University of Illinois at Chicago Community Advisory
- Committee Member of the Illinois Hunger Coalition (1983-1994)
- Former Chairman of the Board of Governors of Bethany Hospital
- Former member of the West Cluster Empowerment Zone Joint Governance Council
- Former President of the Near Westside Development Corporation (1989-1995)
- Treasurer for the Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King Historic District of Lawndale-Chicago
- Board of Directors for the Chicago Community Renewal Society
- Traveled to Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama on a "Disaster Relief Effort" (2005-2007)
- Traveled to Ghana, Africa to visit the school the church supports (2003-2013). Built six classrooms
- Generated more than 1.3 million in land and property acquisition, property improvement and transportation                within the first 5 years of pastoring
- Revised the auxiliaries and group structure of the church
- Created partnership with Heartland & Associates for the $23M dollar renovation of the Harvest Commons SRO           renovation (2013)
- Inducted in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Preachers of Morehouse College (2010)
- African mission support to Country Side Orphanage, Fomena Clinic and School support in Brakwa
- Generated 45 thousand dollars in disaster relief for tornado victims in Tuscaloosa, Alabama (2011)
- Personal contribution to Billion Souls Outreach to churches in India
- Initiated McCrory Housing - an $18M Senior Housing Development

On March 23, 2003, Reverend Daniels was elected by the church body to succeed retiring pastor, the late Dr. Arthur D. Griffin as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Congregational Church.


Reverend Daniels has been married to Verdalia Maria Spencer for 50 years. They have one daughter, Felicia Joy. His parents are Mr. George Daniel (deceased) and Mrs. Rose Scott (94); what a blessing!


As the Lord elevates him to level of service, Reverend Daniels will continue his mission "To Know Him and Make Him Known".


Pastor George W. Daniels,

First Lady Verdalia

and Daughter Felicia Joy 


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